Eine Begegnung mit Sacha Lakic, Designer Roche Bobois

Als ich vor einiger Zeit in Paris war, anlässlich der Design Days und die Präsentation der Herbstkollektion von Roche Bobois, durfte ich ein Interview mit dem Designer Sacha Lakic führen. Sacha Lakic ist ein französischer Designer mit einer grossen Passion für Bewegung, Schnelligkeit und modernen Technologien. Er entwirft nicht nur wunderschöne Möbelstücke, sondern war auch lange Zeit für die Motorrad und Autoindustrie tätigt.

Da ich das Interview auf English geführt habe, erlaube ich es mir auch hier auf English zu publizieren.

I met with Sacha Lakic when I visited Roche Bobois in Paris a few weeks ago, as a preview of the Roche Bobois autumn/winter collection 2014 was presented during the Designer's Days. Sacha Lakic is a French designer who loves movement and speed and developed a great passion for future technologies. Lakic has carried out ambitious projects in many industries, including automotive, furniture, architecture and retail products, always focused on the pleasure and comfort his designs would bring to their users.

Bild Lakic.com

Can you tell me a little bit about your designs for the new Roche Bobois furniture collection of autumn/winter 2014?
I find the new collection very fresh and innovative. For example, the Bubble sofa shows in an instant that something can both look good and be extremely comfortable at the same time. This is the way I like to design, but I usually do not show it so obviously. Bubble is not connected to any particular time period. It could be something from the 70’s as well as the future – it is timeless.

You are very much influenced by the latest technologies and have acquired a strong taste for everything futuristic. Which trends do you see today in furniture design?
I really don’t focus on trends. For me, a trend is something which only applies to now, today, to this very moment. When you create a product, you have to think some years ahead. And then it is already too late for a trend. For me, focusing on trends is really a waste of time.

How important is environmental quality in your designs?
This is of course a very important aspect which you have to take into consideration early on in the design process. But it is not only a question of material or production. It is also a question of how timeless a product is and whether people will want to keep it for a long time or throw it away after a couple of years. If you love a product, you will not waste it. When you don’t want to keep it for yourself any longer, you will give it to someone you care about.

What does it take today to become a successful designer? What education, interest, curiosity, ambition?
To be a successful designer, you need to work with your heart rather than your brain. It’s essential that you give the product a soul, that you design with honesty and love and that this shows in the product. But it’s not easy to be a designer, because you can never be sure that your product will be successful in the end. The product should carry a positive feeling and a good karma and you have to feel that already when you are sketching it.

You have also designed many other things than furniture and you even said once that you also want to design lady shoes. Have you started with that?
I never force things, but I’m sure that one day I will meet someone who will ask me for this. Yes, I would love to design shoes for women, for many reasons. I believe that shoes are a signal of sensuality and the most important accessory for a woman. But a shoe is also an incredibly technical object. You have to be able to walk with it and it should be very comfortable.

Roche Bobois - Sofa Bubble, designed by Sacha Lakic

Bilder Roche Bobois

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